
Newborn Photo Shoots – 10 Myths

One of the most magical aspects of my work as a Sydney newborn photographer is capturing the precious moments shared by newborns and their families. It’s a time of profound change and transition, filled with joy and anticipation.

However, there are many myths surrounding newborn photography that can cause unnecessary worry for expecting and new parents (just like you!). Let me debunk 10 these myths and shed light on what working with a specialist newborn photographer in Sydney is really like.

MYTH #1: There’s an ideal time for your newborn photos

As a seasoned Sydney newborn photographer, I often hear the misconception that you must schedule your newborn photo shoot within the first 14 days after birth to capture those perfect, squishy poses.

While the early days are ideal, life doesn’t always unfold according to plan. Whether it’s scheduling challenges or unexpected hospital stays, rest assured that booking a session beyond the first two weeks can still yield beautiful results (I mean, your baby is beautiful no matter what).

It’s wise to secure your session early—preferably by your second trimester—to ensure availability.

Newborn baby boy asleep swaddled

MYTH #2: Baby has to be asleep

Another common myth is that newborns must be asleep for the entire photo shoot. From my experience as a newborn photographer in Sydney, I can confidently say that awake babies make for equally stunning photos.

Every baby has their own rhythm, and I embrace these natural moments of alertness and curiosity. I’ve never had to reschedule a shoot because a baby stayed awake—it’s all part of the magic!

awake newborn baby girl

MYTH #3: Only perfectly behaved babies get good photos

There’s a misconception that only perfectly behaved babies can result in good photos. In reality, babies are wonderfully unpredictable, and their little quirks and expressions are what make each session unique and memorable.

As your Sydney newborn photographer, I’m skilled in capturing the essence of your baby’s personality, whether they’re giggling, squirming, or snoozing peacefully. In fact – some of my (and my clients’) favourite photos are ones where the baby has his grumpy face on!

Newborn baby family photo shoot

MYTH #4: Newborn photography is unsafe for babies

Safety is my number one priority at your newborn photography session. As a trusted newborn photographer in Sydney, I have undergone extensive training in safe posing techniques and handling newborns delicately.

Every prop and setup is chosen with care to ensure your baby’s comfort and security throughout the session. With over 10 years of experience with babies, you can relax knowing your little one is in expert hands. I am also fully vaccinated and everything is cleaned between sessions.

Handling newborn baby at family photo shoot

MYTH #5: Toddlers are not welcome

Toddlers are always welcome in my studio! Family dynamics are a central part of newborn photography, and capturing siblings interacting with their new baby sibling creates priceless memories. I’m well-versed in the energy and curiosity that toddlers bring to a session (especially having had 3 of my own), ensuring a relaxed and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Before I take a single photo, I spend lots of time at the beginning of your session getting your toddler on-side.

Newborn baby with older brother cuddle

MYTH #6: You need to bring lots of props and outfits

Your newborn photo shoot is all about simplicity, emotion and connection. I love incorporating sentimental items (such as embroidered blankets and heirlooms like teddies or simple jewellery), however you don’t need to worry about bringing props.

I also have a selection of adorable outfits and headbands for you to choose from, that will complement what you’re wearing and show off all baby’s squishy bits.

newborn baby girl in orange headband with dad

MYTH #7: You have to lose your “post-baby” body before getting in front of the camera.

I get it – it takes a lot for you to be happy with how you look in photos. I myself definitely prefer being behind the camera (maybe that’s why I have a career as a photographer – but let’s unpack that another day).

Every mother is radiant in her own way, regardless of postpartum changes. As your Sydney newborn photographer, I’ve had the privilege of photographing mothers at various stages of their post-baby journey for over 15 years. I know how to pose you in flattering ways that highlight your natural beauty and the bond with your new baby. Embrace this moment—it’s a celebration of strength and love.

Mother and newborn baby daughter embracing

MYTH #8: Newborn photography in Sydney is expensive

Investing in newborn photography is investing in capturing a fleeting moment in time that holds immense sentimental value. Unlike fleeting purchases, these images become cherished family heirlooms. Consider the emotional value of preserving these precious memories for generations to come. It’s an investment in your family’s story and legacy.

My artwork pricing is a-la-carte and starts from just $250; explore my artwork range here.

family portrait print box

MYTH #9: I need to look picture-perfect too

With a brand new baby at home, sometimes getting in the shower feels like a huge achievement! You don’t need to go over-the-top for your newborn photo shoot – clean hair, clean nails, and a light layer of foundation is all you need. Put on a clean black or white top with jeans and that’s all you need for beautiful newborn photos.

Family portrait with newborn son

MYTH #10: You need to know beforehand where your photos will be displayed at home

Planning where to display your newborn photos is an essential part of the photography experience. As your Sydney newborn photographer, I’ll guide you all the way on choosing products that complement your home decor and showcase your images beautifully.

Whether you prefer framed prints, canvas art, or a stunning album, at your design consultation I’ll help you visualise the perfect display for your treasured memories.

newborn family portrait framed artwork

When you choose a specialist newborn photographer in Sydney, you’re investing in more than just photographs—you’re investing in preserving a fleeting moment of your family’s journey. Let’s capture this precious time together.

Contact me today to schedule your newborn photography session and let’s create timeless memories that you’ll cherish forever.


Hey, I'm Jay. I'm a dad of 3 gorgeous girls and a blue Staffy named Bonnie. I love photographing beautiful families just like yours. Are you ready to book in a family portrait session? Fill out your details and I'll give you a call.

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