Hey, I'm Jay. I'm a dad of 3 gorgeous girls and a blue Staffy named Bonnie. I love photographing beautiful families just like yours. Are you ready to book in a family portrait session? Fill out your details and I'll give you a call.
I didn’t think it would happen again, but here we are. Back into hard Covid-19 lockdown here in Sydney once again. I’ve had to close my studio and reschedule all of my portrait sessions and weddings which has been devastating, as it has been with my fellow photographers and business owners.
The urge to create and make things doesn’t go away, so I set up a make shift studio in our messy garage at home, and photographed my kids and our dog, Bonnie. Cath as always did a brilliant job with the girls’ outfits and hair. The shoot looks effortless but behind the scenes there were tantrums, bribes and lots of doggy treats for Bonnie.
Here are a few of my favourites from my “lockdown ghetto studio” family portrait session with my girls and pup. Scroll to the bottom for some behind-the-scenes photos too.